7+ Printable Sales Receipt Templates: Easy and Customizable Options for Your Business

Accounting and finance are two of the most important departments or functions in any business organization. Wherever there is an involvement of money and financial transactions, there is a need for keeping an account of such transactions. This way you can keep track of the business wealth, income, and expenses. The accounting function has many standard operating procedures that need to be followed diligently with every business activity. In addition, every operation or transaction is also coupled with a supporting text document. One such document is the Sales Receipt.

What is a Sales Receipt?

Whenever a sale is made in an organization its detailed information and occurrence is recorded through the creation of a sales receipt. This is an accounting document produced at the time whenever a financial transaction takes place. In most cases, a sales receipt contains the following information:

  • Name of product and service sold to the customer along with model numbers and codes if applicable
  • Date of making the sale
  • Time of the financial transaction
  • Location from where the products or services are purchased
  • Discounted offered to the customer
  • Mode of payment
  • Any other relevant sales terms and conditions including return policy and exchanges

Any organization that is at the start of its business operations will require having a sales receipt template. The sales receipt template will help it create its document according to its needs and requirements. The design and format of this document should be easy to comprehend and contain the relevant information.

This template is created using MS Word with tabular data to make it easy for you to modify.

01. Standard Sales Receipt


02. Digital Sales Receipt


03. Mobile Sales Receipt


04. Customizable Sales Receipt


05. Online Sales Receipt


06. Service Sales Receipt


07. Rental Sales Receipt
